Thursday, February 20, 2014

Journey of Love - Never Gives Up

Journey of Love – Never Gives Up

It was a surprise snow storm.  I lived in the mountains in Virginia and I had to get home from Roanoke.  Traffic on Interstate 81 stopped when I had almost reached the Dixie Caverns exit.  When I say stopped, I mean completely stopped.  In the left lane, I got out and asked the person in the pickup next to me if they could back up so I could get over to the exit.  He did and then followed me up the old highway, which was in bad shape but at least was not blocked. 

About halfway up Christiansburg Mountain, the wheels on my rear drive pickup began spinning.  The guy following me passed until his wheels started spinning too.  I kept moving forward so I did not let off the gas as I did not want stop and not be able to move again.  The other guy finally gave up and turned around.  He must not have realized he was only 100 yards from the top.  I persevered and made it over and got home.  I later found out that the freeway was stopped for five hours.

Often, relationships can feel like going up a mountain in the snow with rear wheel drive.  It can feel like we are making not progress, just spinning our wheels.  At times we may even feel out of control, like we are going to slide off the road and get hurt.  I am here to tell you that love does not give up.  It will not give up on that marriage that is founded in Him.  It will not give up on the friendship that is true.  It will not give up on family.

I should make it clear that I am not advising people to stay in physically abusive situations.  I am saying that healing is possible if both people in a relationship are willing to seek it.  People are far too willing to give up on marriages instead of trying to work things out.  Be willing to take the effort and fight for it. 

I will confess that I probably should have fought harder for my marriage when my ex-wife sought a divorce.  In hindsight, I should have fought harder for my marriage years before it ended.  Contend for your marriage now.  Don’t wait for it to get out of control!  Seek that love that never gives up.

For you singles (and all of us), you should know that love does not give up on friendship and family either.  If your friend offends you, let them know in love.  Unless your friend is leading you away from God, seek to repair that relationship.  Stay in touch with your family.  Don’t give up on them because they are different from you but continue to show them the Love of God as a family. 

Finally, know that the Love of God never gives up on you.  God is always willing to love you no matter what you have done or said.  You need only turn to Him and He will be right there!  If you do not understand this, talk to me.  Never give up on that relationship with Him.  He will never give up on you! 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Journey of Love - The Truth

Journey of Love – Rejoices in the Truth

Her boyfriend worked for a used car dealership in Salem, VA.  She had her eye on the little red sports car so he bent the rules and let her take it out for a drive.  She took it to the winding country roads just north of town.  When I first saw her, she was coming around a corner much too quickly and began to slide.  In a panic, she over-corrected and started fish-tailing narrowly missing the van in front of me, swerved towards me and then away just in time.  The scene in my rear view mirror seemed to happen in slow motion as one of the little red car’s wheel’s dug into the soft shoulder and the car slowly rolled over and came to rest on its roof.  By the time I got to the car, she was crawling out, mostly unharmed, but in a panic.  Her words, “Oh my God, what am I going to tell my boyfriend.”  I had to think, “why don’t you start with the truth?”

So often, nowadays, we fall back on the truth as a last resort.  We may even rationalize that we are protecting someone by lying.  More often, we think that we are protecting ourselves.  In reality, the opposite is true.  In today’s characteristic of love, love rejoices with the truth.  When we stray away from the truth, we betray love.

The first step in healing is getting honest with ourselves, with God, and with our loved ones.  When we hide our problems, we cannot work towards solving them.  When we bring the problems out into the open in appropriate ways, we start on a path where we can see them healed.

As you seek to bring out the truth in your life, I urge you to seek the Truth in Scripture.  Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.” (John 14:6)  He is the ultimate Truth.  The Bible gives us a glimpse at this Truth.  It lets us know things like the fact that we were designed by God before the beginning of the world (Psalm 139).  We find out that God loved us so much that He sent His Son to die for us so we could be with Him (John 3:16) and that He did this even while we were sinners (Romans 5:8).  We also find out that we can be empowered, gifted, and made more than conquerors (1 Corinthians 12, Romans 8).

There is so much encouragement in the Bible to lead us on a path of wholeness.  Let’s seek this Truth and conquer the dishonesty in our lives!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Journey of Love – The Ultimate Love of St. Valentine

Journey of Love – The Ultimate Love of St. Valentine

I never really knew that much about Saint Valentine.  I knew that we celebrate love on his day but that was about it.  So, I did a little research.  Apparently, he was known for marrying Christian couples in the third century.  Perhaps that is why we celebrate love on his feast day.  I believe that his love went way beyond that.

Valentine was arrested and brought to Rome to face charges for subversion.  It seems that some were being married by him to avoid going into the military.  While he was jailed, some stories tell of him healing the jailer’s blind daughter in response to the jailer’s challenge.  This convinced the jailer so that he and his household converted to Christianity.

Valentine was then brought before the Emperor Claudius.  Claudius treated him with favor until Valentine tried to convert him.  He then threatened to kill Valentine unless he renounced Christ.  Valentine’s ultimate act of love was to refuse to renounce Christ.  He was badly beaten and still clung to the truth.  Finally, he gave his life out of love for Christ.

This Valentine’s Day, while we exchange gifts with our loved ones or even celebrate singleness, let’s ask ourselves if we have that kind of ultimate love.  Would we lay down our lives for those to whom we give those Valentine’s gifts?  Do we believe with such conviction that we would suffer beating and even death out of love for Christ?  In many parts of the world there are those who face the same threats that Valentine did.  Let’s remember and pray for them and pray that we would love with such complete abandon!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Journey of Love - Forget It!

Journey of Love – Forget It!

Nelson Mandela once said, “As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn't leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I'd still be in prison.”  We tend to think that holding on to past hurts empowers us when, in fact, it imprisons us.

It is possible to say we forgive while still holding on to the memory of how we have been wronged.  It is in our nature to use those wrongs as ammunition in arguments.  When we do that we are arguing for a personal victory rather than to better our relationships.  Our goal in disagreements should be to better our relationships by seeking to understand each other, not to win our own way.  When we seek only to win, what we win is loneliness, bitterness, and alienation.

I Corinthians 13 says that love keeps no record of wrongs.  If we really want to be free to express love, we will leave those wrongs in the past and go forth with a clean slate.  Let’s let the past stay in the past.  Deal with your issues from the past but don’t let them cripple your future.  (If you are struggling with letting go of your past, a good resource is the book “Life’s Healing Choices” by John Baker.)  I challenge you to let go of those hurts that keep coming up and move forward with the goal of living a life free from the hurts of the past!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Journey of Love – Not Easily Angered

Journey of Love – Not Easily Angered

As a teenager, I mastered the proverbial art of walking on eggshells.  If I did not do a chore just right, or I was a little late, or I complained about something, I had to endure the wrath of an angry step-father.  It is not surprising that I chose to go to college as far away as possible and left as early as possible.  It was a great relief when I got out of that situation.

Today’s quality of love, that which is not easily angered, was lacking in my step-father.  For whatever reason, he was unable to control his anger and it blocked any possibility of a loving parent/child relationship between us. 

The problem of anger is not limited to step-fathers.  I remember being shocked many years ago by a member of a church small group that I attended confessing his anger problem to the group.  It threatened to destroy his marriage.  I have since come to find out that it is much more common than I would have ever thought. 

Please realize that if you have an anger problem, it is very common, but it is also very important that you deal with it.  One fit of anger can undo a month’s worth of loving behavior.  Seek help from counselors and friends.  If you do not know if you have an anger problem, ask your spouse, your older child, or close friends.  Do not let your anger destroy your love!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Journey of Love - Not Self Seeking

Journey of Love – Not Self Seeking

I have a friend whose daughter was severely injured at birth.  She has to do everything for her daughter.  She has raised her from birth and stood by her through every trial.  Her daughter can do very little to express her love, but my friend continues to love her through her actions even as her daughter is now a young adult.  She could have institutionalized her, but she wants the best, most personalized care for her so she continues to take care of her.  That is amazing love that is far from self-seeking!  (and if you are reading this, know how much I admire you for that love).

Today’s characteristic is love that does not seek its own.  Probably the most common example of that is the love of a parent.  I know that when my daughter was born I realized that there was nothing that I would not do for her to protect her and try to raise her right.  This is the same kind of love that God showed to us when He sent His only Son to die on the cross for us. 

How can I live out this kind of unselfish love?  First of all, I can put the needs of my (soon to be) wife and children before my own.  Second, I can help my friends without regard to how they could return the favor.  Third, I can help those around me who cannot help themselves, providing food for the hungry, donating to shelters, etc.  Finally, I can share the amazing love of God with those around me, even when I feel I am too shy to share.

What would your list of unselfish love in action look like?  I challenge you to write one today and put it into action.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Journey of Love - Behave

Journey of Love – Behaves

For me, that word “behave” conjures up visions of my mom, when I was a kid, threatening me with punishment if I did not do as she told.  What would that have to do with love?  The very first part of 1 Corinthians 13:5 tells us in modern translations that love is not rude or does not behave rudely.  That could be taken a number of ways so I looked up the meaning of the original word there and it literally means that love behaves itself sexually.  That is to say, love waits for marriage to consummate. 

Years ago, I heard a wedding sermon speak of sex outside of marriage being like a screen door on a submarine.  When you don’t have that commitment and you dive into such intimacy, you threaten to sink the relationship.  Marriage provides a water tight seal.

That is not a very popular idea today.  The reasoning on the subject ranges from “if it feels good do it,” to “we need to find out if we are compatible.”  You should know that sex is the deepest form of intimacy and when it is taken outside of the commitment of marriage, that intimacy is weakened.  In other words, in order to have the strongest marriage, such intimacy needs to be reserved until after the wedding.

For those of you who say that is impossible, I can say that, while it is not easy, it is quite possible.  Janet and I have been committed to purity from the beginning.  Because of that, we have set ourselves up to succeed in this area.  I have also gone into every dating experience of my single life with that same dedication.  I look forward to a more intimate marriage because of it.

For those of you singles, I strongly recommend a dedication to purity.  Go into every dating experience sharing that dedication.  If your date does not have that same desire, move on to someone else.  In the meantime, take advantage of the time to get closer to the Lord.

For you married people, first I would say, keep that intimacy within the marriage.  That is to say, steer away from porn or anything else that would seek to satisfy that intimacy outside of each other.  If you need to, seek counseling.  I can tell you from personal experience, do not wait until it is too late.  Trust me; counseling is much cheaper than divorce!

Now, when I admonish you to “behave yourselves” you know what I mean.  ;-)

Friday, February 7, 2014

Journey of Love - Not Proud

Journey of Love – Not Proud

He danced and spun for joy as the music played.  He took off his suit so he could dance more wildly.  All the while, his wife watched in disgust, thinking he was making a fool of himself.  That was the scene when King David was having the ark of the covenant of the Lord brought into Jerusalem.  David was so in love with the Lord that he celebrated with abandon when that which represented the Lord’s presence was brought close to him.  His wife, Michael, did not share that love of the Lord and could not understand how he could embarrass himself and her by showing such zeal.

When the Bible says that love is not proud, I picture the way people who are truly in love show it without restraint.  They are not afraid of embarrassment when it comes to showing their love.  I love seeing those videos of weddings where the groom dances and sings for his bride.  It shows that he is not afraid to put pride aside to express his love.

I also love seeing when people love the Lord so much that they are not afraid to talk about it.  There is a point at which pride can come into the act of speaking out for the Lord, though.  We were in San Francisco one day a couple years ago, waiting in line for a cable car, when a man with a megaphone started preaching.  He was not afraid to speak out for the Lord, but, he kept ranting that the people were all going to hell for their sins.  Instead of bringing the love of God to the people, he came across as saying that he was right and everyone else was wrong and going to suffer for it.  That, I believe, was pride rather than love speaking.

I want to express my love for my wife to be and for the Lord without being restricted by pride.  Let it be known right here and now that I am crazy about Janet and I am even crazier about the Lord (and nuts for our kiddos too).  Let no mask of pride get in the way of that love!  May you experience that love without pride as well. 

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Journey of Love - Not Boastful

Journey of Love – Not Boastful

In high school, I remember science being fun.  I enjoyed preparing a science fair project, but I was far from confident that mine was anywhere near the best.  Somehow, I ran into the science fair judges when they were on their way in.  I joked that they need look no farther than my project.  I was quite pleasantly surprised that my project came in second place.  Later my science teacher admonished me, telling me that it would have made first place if I had not bragged about it.

Most of my life, I have been outwardly confident and inwardly insecure.  When I have bragged, it has been out of insecurity, trying to bolster myself up.  Today’s characteristic of love (still in 1 Corinthians 13:4), Love is not boastful, leaves no room for bragging.  Bragging puts ourselves above others when we should be putting others before ourselves.

So, for those of us who brag out of insecurity, what can we do to stop that?  I have tried to make it a goal of mine to build others confidence.  When I am feeling insecure, I try to channel those feelings into empathy for those around me who may lack confidence and try to give them encouraging words.  I admit that I do not always do this well and sometimes my encouraging words come out more like a boast for myself (like the first paragraph above).  But, I try.

Do you find yourself bragging from time to time?  Take that pride or that insecurity that causes you to brag and direct it towards helping others gain confidence.  Have you encouraged anyone today?  I hope to encourage you to encourage others today.  Be deliberate in your words that they may help someone who is struggling!  Do it today!  

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

No Envy

Journey of Love – No Envy

When I was a kid, there were often offers for special prizes that you could get by saving and sending in box tops.  We kids would make sure that mom would cut off the part of the box needed and when we had collected enough, we would send them off with great anticipation.  We would then wait anxiously for weeks for our prize to come in the mail.  Finally, the day would come and there would be a package for Kelloggs or General Mills and we would tear into it!  After all that waiting and anticipation, we would usually find the toy boring and be done playing with it in fifteen minutes.

Our earnest desire for that toy illustrates the word “envy” in today’s verse (1 Corinthians 13:4).  In the above illustration, the desire we had for that toy is almost humorous.  In adult life, unchecked envy can be very serious.  Check out the story of “the Window” here.  (It was too long to copy into this blog but it is a story that everyone should read at some point.)

Unchecked envy can easily lead to bitterness.  It can so cloud our minds that we would choose to do spiteful and even evil things to try to satisfy the desire it creates in us.  We can envy those in relationships to the point of entering inappropriate ones ourselves.  We can envy those who have more stuff than us to the point of getting into crushing debt.  We can envy those whose lives seem better than ours to the point of being bitter and hateful towards them.

So what is the antidote to envy?  I believe it is to simply be thankful for what you have.  It may be cliché but count your blessings!  Focus on the good things in your life.  Seek to share those good things with those around you.  In that was you can live out a true love that does not envy.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Journey of Love – Kindness

When I first moved to Colorado, I had almost nothing.  I moved here at the beginning of November and when the Christmas season rolled around, I figured that I would make do with a few dollar store decorations.  One evening, I walked into the small group that I was just starting to attend to find that the other members each brought in a portion of their Christmas decorations to give to me.  I was overwhelmed with joy and gratitude.  They added quite a bit of brightness to my Christmas season that year.

Many people encourage others to “practice random acts of kindness.”  I have always had a problem with that concept.  I want my acts of kindness to be deliberate and consistent.  I want to bring joy to others every day.  That is how I choose to live out today’s characteristic of love - “Love is Kind.”  

Kindness can come in the form of encouraging words, gifts, or even time.  When my sister’s husband passed away, I chose to live that kindness by going to visit her.  I say that not to toot my own horn but to let you know of the outpouring of kindness I witnessed when I was there.  She had visitor after visitor.  Nearly every one of them brought some sort of food or gift to help her through that tough time.  That little town of Galax, Virginia truly knows the meaning of kindness.

Here in the big city of Denver, Colorado, it is easy to forget kindness.  Our culture seems to value independence and self-reliance.  I urge you to break out of that mold and share kindness, not just with those you love, but with your neighbors and acquaintances.  Share a smile, an encouraging word, or a gift.  Let people know that they matter!  Encourage them to pass the kindness along.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Journey of Love - Patience Part 2

Journey of Love – Patience Part 2

Another way that love is patient is in dealing with one another.  While I will be talking about multiple aspects of the English word “love,” the word in 1 Corinthians 13 can also be translated caring.  It is the word that we get our word “charity” from.  It is a giving and caring type of love.  In that way, we are asked to be patient with one another, bearing with one another in love. (Ephesians 4:2).  What does that look like?

In my experience, I can tell you what it doesn’t look like.  It does not look like yelling when there are disagreements.  It does not look like manipulation.  It does not look like finding another lover when walls of miscommunication have gone up.  It does not look like writing off a friendship when we are offended.  It does not look like hiding problems in codependency.  (I should make it clear that these are not necessarily examples from my past marriage and should not be taken as casting blame on anyone).

I believe what patience does look like is giving people room to grow at the pace that is right for them.  It means dealing with disagreements in a fair and loving manner.  It means seeking counsel when necessary to save or grow a relationship.  It means being faithful to your partner.  It also means dealing with issues instead of letting them pile up to the breaking point.

Take a patience inventory today.  Are you being fair to your spouse or in your other relationships?  Are you dealing with issues in love?  Are you committed to faithfulness?  Let’s show our love through patience starting today.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

A Journey of Love - Patience - part 1

A Journey of Love – Patience part 1

For February, in honor of Valentine’s Day, I will be touching on the topic of love.  I will not claim to be an expert in this topic but I have a guide to perfect love in the Bible.  I will first be taking a journey through the description of love in the “love chapter,” 1 Corinthians 13.

I will start out the month with the concept that love is patient.  Three times in the great love poem that is the Song of Solomon it is written to not awaken love too early.  As my daughter grows up, I have been amazed at how early some of her classmates have gone boy crazy.  As early as first grade, there were kids saying they were in love.  Now that she is in eighth grade… ugh!  At least I can say that she has kept a level head herself! 
Most of us realize that we should not seek romantic love at too young of an age.  Do we realize that there are times when it is not good to “awaken love” as adults?  Most of us go through times when we are not ready for romantic love.  There are times when we need time to get our lives in order.  We may be in need of getting closer to the Lord before we get close to another person.  There may also be issues in our lives that need to be dealt with first. 

Eight years ago, I went through a separation and divorce.  I won’t go through any details here.  What I will say is that, after I came out of it, I believe that I was biblically released to seek a new wife.  That took a while.  I saw other people get remarried after two years and I wondered why I could not find someone that quickly.  I now look back and see that the time alone was very helpful for me.  I am also very blessed that I waited for the right person in Janet.  I did not compromise, nor are we compromising our morals as an engaged couple now.  I believe we will see the positive results of that for the rest of our lives together.

My challenge to you singles is to not be in a rush to find love.  Seek the Lord and His best for you.  Take advantage of the time alone to get closer to the Lord and to deal with anything that would get in the way of a good relationship.  I do not claim that I will be a perfect husband because I waited, but I am certain that I will be a better one.  While you wait patiently, seek to be a better spouse.

Married folks, stayed tuned for tomorrow’s blog.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Worship Leader

A New Start – Day 31

A few days ago, I wrote about the colossal failure of Aaron as a leader.  You would have thought that it would be the end of his role in the leadership of Israel.  I am not sure how Moses could trust him again.  But Moses did.

Exodus 39 speaks of the special garments for the priests of Israel.  One article stuck out to me.  It was a pure gold medallion to be worn only on Aaron’s turban.  On it were the words “Holy to the Lord.”  Only months before, Aaron, through his failure as a leader, led the people into idol worship.  He  would now wear this medallion that was made this way by the instructions of the Lord.  I do not understand it, but I like it. 

I like it because it shows a beautiful picture of redemption.  It shows how God can still use abject failures.  We are not given the specifics of Aaron’s repentance and restoration, but it is clear that both God and Moses believe him capable of leading the people in worship.

Are there ways in which you have failed?  I know the answer to that question.  We have all failed at times.  Know from this example that you can still be used by God.  Not only that but God can still put you in a leadership position despite your past.  I know of a few different friends who have backgrounds of violence and addiction who are now leading others to wholeness and healing.  Do not let your past or even the failures of your present hold you back.  Move forward.  Step into the path of holiness.  Be amazed at how God’s redemption and purpose for you will lead others to follow in that path.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Head Room

A New Start – Day 30

When I run sound, I always adjust it so that there is room to turn each channel up if need be.  In the language of the audio tech, that is called head room.  We use the same idea for many things.  We allow room between our car and the one ahead of us.  We go buy groceries before we are completely out (hopefully).  We complete projects before their deadlines (again, hopefully).  The idea is to have a cushion in case the unexpected happens.

This is part of the idea behind the Sabbath.  In Moses’ day, they were so serious about the Sabbath that the punishment for breaking it was death.  Later, Jesus made it less legalistic by telling us that the Sabbath was for man, not the other way around.  Taking a Sabbath break allows us time to recharge, to connect with God and each other, and get our thoughts in order.  It gives us a cushion so that we do not wear out or “crash” in an emotional or physical breakdown.

Are you getting enough Sabbath?  I am sometimes guilty of being busy seven days a week, but I usually try to take breaks wherever possible.  It is good when those breaks are a full day long.  I try to have time during those breaks for time with the Lord and in His Word.  I also try to make sure I have time to give my mind a break with some fun entertainment as well as physical rest. 

If you are not getting the spiritual, mental, and physical breaks that you need, I challenge you to dial back your schedule.  Just like you would not drive with only an inch to spare from the car in front of you, leave more than an inch of free time in your daily and weekly schedules. Practice the Sabbath.  Give yourself head room.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Oh Joy!

A New Start – Day 29

I was listening to Jeremy Camp on the drive home, enjoying some good worship music when someone cut me off in traffic.  It was amazing how quickly I came out of my worshipful mood.  It was somewhat like Moses’ first mountaintop experience.

Moses came down from meeting with God on the mountain the first time to find the Israelites worshiping an idol.  He got so angry that he broke the tablets containing the Ten Commandments.  I would rather my mountaintop experiences be more like his second time coming down the mountain.  That time his face literally glowed from spending time with God.

I don’t know about having my face literally glowing but I would like to be that person that, when you see them in a group, they stand out as the one who is truly joyful.  You’ve all seen that person – the one for whom it takes great effort to get the smile off their face.  It is my prayer that my times spent with the Lord make me into that person.  I have a long way to go.

Perhaps you are that person.  You could teach me a thing or two.  Perhaps you are the person who has a hard time finding joy in anything.  I challenge you to ask God for joy.  Remember that Moses spent a lot more than ten minutes with God.  Get some time alone with God and talk with Him.  Argue with Him if you need to.  Then listen to Him – through His Word, and through His Spirit.  Accept the joy that He has for you and when (not if) you get it, share it!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Be A Moses!

A New Start – Day 28

The difference between Moses and Aaron – Moses spends forty days conversing with God, getting instructions on leading the people of Israel into the Promised Land.  Aaron lets the people lead him into making a golden idol for them and then makes up a lame excuse when Moses finds out. 

I have been called to be a leader in various capacities over the years.  In those times, I must confess that I have been as guilty as Aaron, letting the people I was supposed to be leading lead me.  You might say, “I am not called to be a leader so I can ignore this.”  To that I would tell you that pretty much everyone is given a leadership role at some point.  Are you a parent, have a group of friends, interact with anyone, write a blog?  You are a leader.

How did Aaron fail?  In a democracy, it is not a failure to listen to the people.  I am not suggesting that he should have been a tyrant.  I believe where he failed was when he compromised his beliefs.  True, the Hebrew faith was not fully developed yet, but Aaron knew better that to worship idols.  Instead of standing firm and encouraging people to be faithful to the Lord, he allowed them to pressure him into following the wrong path.

As you lead your kids, friends, colleagues, or students, encourage them to follow the right path.  Do not let them pressure you into following the popular path that lacks faith.  Always lead them to the truth of God!  Be a Moses, who stood firm for his people, not an Aaron, who gave in.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Missing Father?

A New Start – Day 27

The worst part about my childhood was the feeling of abandonment from my father.  After my parent’s divorce, there were many times when he did not follow through with scheduled visitation times, sometimes not letting me know until after I had waited several hours for him.  Granted, there are much worse things for a kid to go through, but that was pretty tough for a young boy who idolized his dad at first.

Today I read Psalm 27 and verse 10 stood out to me, “Even if my father and mother abandon me, the Lord will hold me close.”(NLT)  I can testify that that verse is true.  After a few years of disappointment in my dad, I turned to the Lord for strength.  At the time, I was a very insecure 13 year-old who lacked direction in my life.  I won’t say that everything became perfect once I started following the Lord.  I will say that after I committed my life to Christ, I had direction and more confidence.  More importantly, I had new life that came from a heavenly Father. 

Do you feel something missing from a lack of parenting?  Know that you can turn to the Lord and He will provide all the leadership you need.

Let me also make it clear for you parents that your kids still need your strong leadership.  The Lord can provide for your kids where you lack but not every child will know to turn to the Lord.  It is far better when a parent points the way to the Lord through their words and, especially, their actions! 

If you dare, read Psalm 27 and take to heart what David says about the Lord there.  Let the Lord be your Father.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Get Real

A New Start – Day 25

My biggest hero of the Bible (besides Jesus) is King David.  He was an ordinary guy with great leadership ability and a heart after God.  The Psalm I read today (Psalm 25) was written by him and expresses some of the fear and anxiety he felt both from those who sought his downfall and from his own shortcomings.  He was honest about how he felt and expressed it in his writings.

I have the privilege of going to a church where people are generally honest about their faults and feelings.  It is good to be able to deal with all of that openly.  Still, I am tempted to put on a mask and act as if everything is always fine.  My life is good, but like David, I am not perfect.  When I am honest with my brothers, I can deal with the tough times and imperfections and move on to an even better life.

Do you feel like you are wearing a mask all the time?  Do those around you have the impression that your life is perfect all the time?  We are all human.  We all have our hurts, hang ups, and habits.  It is much better when we deal with them rather than hide them.  Let’s be like King David, who, despite living the good life as King, was honest about his problems.  Let’s cultivate the relationships that help deal with those problems.  If you do not have a church or friends that you can be open with, I suggest finding a Celebrate Recovery program (it is not just for addicts and alcoholics). I also suggest reading David’s Psalms (like Psalm 25).  Know that you are not alone.

Friday, January 24, 2014

What I Did Not Do

A New Start – Day 24

I did a service call yesterday that was a recall on someone else.  The other tech had done a good job of repairing the machine but the repair had wiped out the settings in the machine so they could not print or scan.  He did everything right, but overlooked that one last step of reentering the settings (which I have done in the past as well).

Today I started reading the rules that God gave Moses to tell the Israelites, including the Ten Commandments.  Most of you know that when Jesus commented on the commandments, He made sure His followers knew that they were matters of the heart.  In other words, if you lust after someone, you are guilty of adultery.  If you are cruel to someone, you are guilty of murder, and so on.  I think it is safe to say (as Paul did in Romans 3:23) that we have all sinned. 

Something I noticed today is that you can do nothing and think nothing and still sin.  In Exodus 21, Moses was told that if someone’s animal is known to be dangerous and the owner does nothing about it, the owner is liable if someone gets hurt.  That makes sense.  Consider that concept as a matter of the heart.  If there is something or someone you are ignoring, will your inaction cause hurt or harm?  That is a tough question that will take some examination.

I point this out not to make anyone feel guilty.  Frankly, without the sacrifice of Christ, we are all guilty.  It is very easy to overlook that one last important step in something.  I point this out to myself that I may live a life that helps rather than hurts those around me.  I invite you to ask yourself this question with me, “Is there anything or anyone that I am ignoring today that I need to do something about?  Do I need to call someone or see someone and repair a relationship?  Do I need to do a task that I have been putting off?”  Let’s live full, helpful, generous, and loving lives that don’t ignore little important things.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Hard of Listening

A New Start – Day 23

Filly’s great-grandfather wore a hearing aid.  When his wife would call from the other room, he often would not react.  However, if she mentioned him while talking in a normal voice on the other side of their home, he would ask what they were talking about.  We would joke that he was not hard of hearing but hard of listening.

The people of Israel were like that too.  Today I read (Exodus 16-18) about when they were given manna to eat and were told to not save any for the next day except the day before the Sabbath.  Then they were told not to gather on the Sabbath.  There were some who tried to save some and there were others who tried to gather on the Sabbath.  Both failed miserably.

How many times, when we fail, is it because we were not listening.  We fail to listen to the advice of friends who warn us about bad deals or bad relationships.  We fail to listen to the Bible that gives us advice on many of life’s decisions.  I know that I have made many bad decisions in my life that could have been avoided if I had only listened to good advice from godly friends and the Bible.

I challenge you and me to keep our minds open to wisdom.  When there are important decisions to make, let’s check out what the Bible has to say about it and listen to the advice of godly friends.  Let’s improve our listening ability starting today.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


A New Start – Day 22

I have heard it said that God will not give you a situation that is more than you can handle.  That is actually a misquote of a verse that says that you will not be tempted beyond what you can handle.  The reality is that there are situations where you need help.  There are also situations in which only God can help you.  Today I read about a situation (Genesis 14-15) where God needed to help out.  And He did, big time!

The Israelites had fled Egypt and were trapped between the approaching Egyptian army and the sea.  You all know the story – God parted the sea so that the Israelites could escape.  Did you know how much they grumbled against Moses before that happened?  They even resorted to sarcasm, asking if there were not enough graves in Egypt that he had to bring them out there to die.

How do you react when you are given an impossible situation?  Do you throw a pity party?  Do you lash out at anyone around you?  Or, do you do like Moses and turn to God?  I hate getting into impossible situations, but I love it when God makes them work out in ways that only He could imagine!  Let’s hand those situations over to God and follow what He tells us to do to get through them.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014


A New Start – Day 21

Remember!  It is a theme repeated throughout the Bible and it starts in today’s reading in Exodus 12.  The Israelites are commanded to remember the Passover every year.  It is one of the most pivotal moments in history, when the people of Israel escape from Egypt.  It is the precursor to the sacrifice of Jesus during that same holiday.
The people of Israel were instructed to observe the Passover rites so that their children would ask what the mean.  The people were then to instruct their children about the Passover in order to pass on their faith.
Do you have traditions the rouse the curiosity of your children?  Do you live out your faith in such a way that your kids ask about it?  It is my conviction my children must come into their own faith.  If I want them to follow in my footsteps, I must live my faith out in such a way that my kids want to follow it.  I try to observe both the traditions and day to day life with integrity and love so that my kids will want to live like me.  I also must teach them why I do what I do.  I believe that will be far more effective in instilling a deep faith in them than just forcing my faith on them.

Are you inspiring faith in your kids?  Ask your kids if they honestly believe what you have been teaching them.  Be prepared to be open to what they say and remember your faith before them in a way that inspires them.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

A New Start – Day 19

I do not have enough faith.  I have always enjoyed getting out into nature.  I love to hike in the high country of the Rockies.  When I lived in California, loved to go out to the ocean and listen to the waves crash on the shore.  I even enjoy watching a fierce thunderstorm (from safely inside).  I have seen the amazing grandeur of the Grand Canyon, the lush sweetness of Hawaii, and the unparalleled beauty of Yosemite Valley.  Just a couple days ago I witnessed a portion the evening sky ablaze with a rising of a full moon.  With my poor eyesight, I struggle to take in the vastness of the night sky.  I do not have enough faith.

Psalm 19:1 says, “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork.” (NKJV)

When I see the intricacy of creation, I do not have enough faith to believe that there is not an Artist who created it.  Even my dad, who was an atheist for most of his life, came to believe that there is a Creator towards his later years. 

I remember in college, when I asked my science professors about God.  Most admitted that they did not know, but all admitted that the study of science as it exists today, assumes that there is no God.  They say that it is necessary to make that assumption in order to come to factual conclusions.  When I challenged that, they would just fall back on the assertion that there is no God.  Again, I do not have enough faith to believe that.

So I, with my puny faith, will go on believing that the amazing beauty around me was not a work of chance.  I will go on thinking that these kiddos around me and my future wife are unique and special creations of God and worthy of my time and attention.  With that thought I will sign off and get to that.  Have a wonderfully created Lord’s Day!

Saturday, January 18, 2014

A New Start – Day 18

Lord, grant me patience … now!  I must confess I have prayed something similar to that.  More often, I have prayed for something good to happen on my timing.  I pray that I never have to wait as long as the Israelites had to wait.

Exodus 1-3 sets the scene of Israel’s oppression and Moses being raised up to deliver them.  The people of Israel had to wait 400 years for their deliverance.  Even from the time Moses was born, they had to wait 80 years.  Then, because of their lack of faith in God, they had to wait another 40 years before they could enter the Promised Land.  That’s a long time to wait.  But God had the best in mind for His children.

When the family of Israel left Canaan, the land was decimated by famine.  It then was inhabited by some very powerful people.  By the time the people of Israel were ready to occupy the land it was “a land flowing with milk and honey.” (Exodus 3:b NKJV)  At that point, the people were finally willing to trust God to give them victory over the land.

I get two things out of this story about patience.  First, if things seem to be taking too long, keep in mind that God may be preparing His gift for you and you will receive it when it is ready.  Second, when things seem to be taking too long, God may be preparing you to receive His gift properly.  

Are you willing to wait and are you willing to be prepared for what God has for you?  When you pray for patience (now), be willing to wait for the best and be available to be changed to receive His best!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

A New Start – Day 16

Once again today, I read about Joseph.  In Genesis 47, Joseph finds a safe home for his family, keeps the nation of Egypt alive, and builds Pharaoh’s power.  Not bad for a spoiled kid who was so hated by his brothers that they sold him to slave traders.

So how did Joseph get in a position to do all that?  He went through great suffering, imprisonment, injustice, and embarrassment and managed to stay focused on God through it all.  I am not sure I would want to go through all the hardships that Joseph did to achieve greatness, but I know that I want to stay faithful to God and to be used by him.

King David put it in perspective in Psalm 16 by saying “My goodness is nothing apart from You (God)” (verse 2a NKJV).  I need to rely on God’s goodness working through me in the good times and the bad.  I may not save a nation like Joseph, but I certainly hope to lead a family and help those around me by the goodness and grace of God.

Let’s keep our lives in perspective today.  Regardless of our situations, if we rely on God and stay focused on Him, He can use us for the good of those around us.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Best

A New Start – Day 15

I love seeing those videos where a soldier surprises his family by showing up unexpectedly.  Some of them had to have had to wait a little longer to see their families in order to set up the surprise.  It’s seems to be worth it when you see the extreme joy of their reunion.

Joseph did much the same thing when he held back on telling his brothers who he was.  The Bible does not tell us his motivation.  It is possible that he had to work through the anger of being sold.  It could be that he wanted to be ready to receive his family.  Regardless, imagine his father’s joy when he found out that Joseph was alive! 

We often don’t know God’s motivation when He seems to hold back a blessing from us.  I won’t go into all the theological possibilities.  I will tell you that there is great joy when the blessings do come.  My daughter was not born until I was 35.  I was single for over 7 years before I met Janet.  While I had to wait for them, both of these events have been amazing blessings to me.  And each was in the Lord’s perfect timing.

You might be in a place where you are wondering if anything good will ever come your way.  In Matthew 6:33, Jesus tells us to seek the kingdom of God and His righteousness first and our needs will be met.  It has been my experience that, when we seek Him first, He will provide not just what we need but what is best at the best time.  If you are stuck waiting for that blessing that you expect, seek God, not the blessing.  He will bless you with the best at the best time.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

The Forgotten

A New Start – Day 14

I grew up as the youngest of five kids (my younger brother David came when I was 18).  One Sunday when I was probably about 6 or 7, my parents accidentally left me behind at church.  I recall being quite upset about it.  When my parents got home and realized that I was not in the van, they came right back for me.  This was not the case for Simeon.

We catch up to his story in Genesis 42.  Joseph has become the governor of Egypt.  Ten of his brothers come to buy grain and Joseph accuses them of being spies.  He imprisons Simeon while the others return to their father so they can bring back their youngest brother to prove they are not spies.  Nothing else is said of Simeon except that his father writes him off as lost and mourns him.

What would you think if you were Simeon, stuck in a prison cell under false pretenses?  Frankly, none of us with access to this blog can fully relate.  I had thought to ask the question, “Are you forgotten?”  Perhaps you do feel this way.  By all means, reach out for help.  But, today, I believe that the Lord has a different purpose for this blog.

There are many in this world today whom have been forgotten by their brothers.  Let’s correct that.  Remember today those persecuted and imprisoned for their faith.  Just yesterday, the leader of our church movement (Foursquare) posted an urgent call for prayer for our churches in Sri Lanka (which I just reposted on my Facebook wall).  At this moment, there are thousands around the world being imprisoned, tortured, and even killed for their faith.  Please remember them today.

Simeon was eventually reunited with his brothers at a feast.  Today’s martyrs will be reunited with their brethren eventually at the ultimate feast.  Pray that they be reunited before that to continue their work here on earth as well!

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Situation

A New Start – Day 13

Joseph is one of my biggest heroes of the Bible.  If you are not familiar with him, he was one of the twelve sons of Israel.  His brothers were jealous of him and sold him into slavery and told his father that he was killed by wild animals.  The slave traders took him to Egypt where he was sold to a high official named Potiphar.  This is where we catch up to today’s reading (Genesis 38-40).

When Joseph worked for Potiphar, he did so well that Potiphar put him in charge of his whole household.  The Lord blessed his work and blessed Potiphar for trusting Joseph.  When Joseph saw that Potiphar’s wife was very attracted to him, he started to avoid her.  One day, she cornered him alone in the house and tried to seduce him.  Joseph, being a righteous man, fled, but he had to leave his cloak behind to escape.  She used that cloak to falsely accuse him.

There are so many lessons from the life of Joseph, but here is what stood out to me today.  Joseph avoided compromising situations.  The one time he did let himself get in a compromising situation, he fled.  Even though he fled and did not sin in that situation, he suffered from the results.  I need to not just flee sin.  I need to avoid any situation where it becomes possibility.  Many would look at that idea today and say that I am being old fashioned and legalistic.  I am not saying that letting myself get in those kinds of situations would be sinful.  I am saying that it is wise to avoid them.

What are those situations for you?  Are there people you have to avoid because they may draw you back into addiction?  Do you need to avoid watching certain types of movies that may cause you to sin?  You probably already know those situations for you.  Pray that God would make them obvious to you and pray that you may have the strength to avoid them.  Watch as the Lord blesses you and those around you for staying on the path He has for you.  

Friday, January 10, 2014

More Important than Differences!

A New Start – Day 10

I love my brothers and sisters, though we do not always see eye to eye.  I have actually walked out on a conversation in the family before because I did not want to get into a political argument.  I am not the best at maintaining our family relationships, but they are very important to me – far more important than our differences.

Chapters 30 and 31 of Genesis recount the somewhat rocky relationship between Jacob and his father-in-law Laban.  Laban treats Jacob almost like a slave.  Jacob manipulates Laban’s flock that he is watching so that he becomes more wealthy.  Finally, Jacob leaves (at the command of the Lord) with his wives and children and flocks without letting Laban say goodbye to his daughters and grandchildren.  This ticks Laban off so that he angrily pursues Jacob.

Here’s the part that surprises me.  In Genesis 31:29, Laban says that God spoke to him the night before he caught up with Jacob and told him not to harm Jacob.  In this story, everyone is being selfish and looking after their own interests.  Just as things are about to come to a head, God steps in and calms things down.  Laban and Jacob come to an agreement and repair their fragile relationship.

Do you have people with whom you do not get along?  Perhaps there are those who you avoid because they drive you nuts.  I believe that God would say through this and other passages that relationships are more important than differences.  Let’s move beyond what drives us apart and seek to repair and nourish the relationships with family and friends.  How to do this is far more complicated than I could begin to cover here, not to mention that it is way out of my level of expertise.  What I can say is that we need to keep in touch with each other.  In the next week or so, I hope to call the siblings that I did not get to talk to over the holidays.  I suggest that you do something similar.  

Thursday, January 9, 2014

That's Messed Up!

A New Start – Day 9

A few days ago, I wrote about Isaac and the fact that his name means laughter.  He must have had a sense of humor because his twin sons’ names can be translated “Red” and “Trickster.”  It is that trickster, Jacob, whom I noticed in my reading today.  In yesterday’s reading, Jacob tricked his brother out of his rights as the firstborn.  Today, with his mother’s help, he tricked his aged and blind father into giving him the blessings as the firstborn. 

In Genesis 29, today’s final chapter, the tables get turned on him.  He has worked for his uncle for seven years for the right to marry his cousin Rachel.  It is dark when his bride is brought to his tent and he does not realize until morning that it is Rachel’s sister Leah.  He is later given Rachel as a second wife, but has to work another seven years for her.

Suffice it to say that the situation in today’s reading is messed up!  We have this guy who deceives his brother and father and who ends up with two wives (and later, two concubines).  Finally, we have this uncle who sends in the wrong sister on the wedding night.  There’s a whole lot wrong with this situation.  Still, in the long run, despite how horribly messed up it is, God uses it.

Are you in a messed up situation?  Does it seem like no good can come of it? 

Jacob did not see until many years later some of the good from his situation.  Even then, he never saw the ultimate good that came out of it.  Jacob was later named Israel.  It was from Israel, even from the unloved substitute wife, Leah, that the Messiah came from.  Out of the midst of deception and questionable morality came He who saved the world.

God can use your situation as well.  No matter how messed up your life may be, He can make good come of it.  In fact He can make more good things than you can imagine come from it, though you may not see the results this side of heaven.  If your situation is messed up, ask God to give you a glimpse of the good that will result from it.  Watch for His answer.  You may be surprised!  Know that He will ultimately use your situation to bless.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A New Start – Day 8

When I was a kid, my dad got into astronomy.  He bought a telescope and would teach us kids about the stars and planets and show us them in the night sky.  It was fascinating to me.  Now it is easy to forget about the vastness of the sky.  Every couple years or so, I will head up to the mountains at night and watch a meteor shower or just check out the sky.  Even with my poor eyesight, it amazes my how many stars I can see and how vast the universe seems.

King David, in Psalm 8:3-4 says, “When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have ordained, what is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man that You visit him?” (NKJV)

Consider this – the same Creator who spoke the heavens into existence, is mindful of you and me!  He who has the immense power to create the universe with a whisper cares about you!  Verse 2 of that same Psalm reads, “Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants You have ordained strength, because of Your enemies, that You may silence the enemy and the avenger.”  If He can use babies to silence His enemies, how much more can He use you or me?

I think that one of the reasons that He can use children is that they don’t let their preconceptions get in the way of their belief.  Let’s toss aside or thoughts of why God cannot do great things through us and live out the faith that created the heavens.  Like that young boy who looked in awe at the night sky forty years ago, let’s stand in awe of what the Lord can do even now. 

“Oh Lord, our Lord, how excellent is your name in all of the earth!” Psalm 8:9 (NKJV)

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Abandon Fear

A New Start – Day 7

In 1990, we decided to move from California to Virginia.  It was kind of a crazy decision as I was leaving a good job and all my friends.  In Virginia was my mom and my sister and a few friends but mostly the unknown.  When we got there, I had a hard time finding a good job and we went through some very lean months.  In the end it turned out very well.  I started the career that I am still in today.  We made some life-long friends.  I even was able to go to our church’s Bible College that we did not realize was there when we moved.  Still, it was a crazy decision to move there made by an immature young couple.

In today’s reading, in Genesis chapter 24, Rebekah makes what seems like a crazy decision.  Here is this young lady, probably in her teens, faced with the choice of leaving her family and home to travel to a foreign land to marry a cousin whom she has never met.  What was she thinking?  What would you think?  She did not hesitate but went to be Isaac’s wife.

Is God calling you to do something that seems crazy?  I will not tell you to abandon wisdom, but I will tell you to abandon fear.  If fear is the only thing that is keeping you from stepping out into something new, leave it behind like Rebekah left her birthplace behind.  Examine the choices before you in light of God’s Word and your situation.  In wisdom, purity, and faith; move out into the new challenges that God has for you! 

Monday, January 6, 2014

A New Start – Day 6

According to, the top unusual baby names of 2012 included Juju, Fedora, Shoog, Sanity, Burger, Google, Hurricane, and my favorite, Jedi.  In my opinion, none of those names can hold a candle to the baby name I read about today.  Abraham and Sarah named their son Laughter.  True, in Hebrew it is Isaac, but that would be the same as naming you child Laughter today.  As one who loves to laugh, I think that is hilarious.

The reason for the unusual name was the age of the parents.  Abraham was 100 and Sarah was 90 when Isaac was born.  When Sarah overheard angels telling Abraham that they would have a child, she laughed because she assumed that it was impossible. 

One of the things that gives me great joy is seeing the impossible happen.  I have seen people healed after many years of sickness.  I have seen those who have lived lives full of addictions and strife experience full deliverance from those situations.  I have seen families in the midst of collapse fully recover.  All these things make me happy!

For some reason, many think that Christians can’t have a sense of humor.  The name of Isaac is just one of many examples in the Bible of God's sense of humor.  I say that we lighten up and get laughter and joy from what we see every day. 

Regardless of your situation, seek the humor in each situation.  Let laughter ease your burden.  If you are in a tough situation, know that God is in the business of pulling off the impossible.  While you wait, look to Abraham and Sarah and laugh at the way God answered their prayers.

Friday, January 3, 2014

A New Start – Day 3

Have you ever cried out to the Lord, “Why me?”  Perhaps you have had one of those days where nothing seems to go right.  Maybe last year was one of those years.

I have definitely had those years in the past.  A verse from today’s reading helps explain how I have managed to get through –

Some would say that no bad can come to those who truly believe and proclaim that verse.  If that is so, why would my head need to be lifted?  The way I see it, the Lord has and will see me through everything, good and bad.  I have been in some impossible situations and have made it through.  I have had times when life has been so bad that I just wanted to sleep through it.  The Lord has lifted my head to see Him and to help me trust that He will always see me through. 

Some may think that trusting in Jesus is like insurance for the afterlife.  I can tell you that it is life here and now.  God has lifted my head and brought me courage and strength to make it through many difficult times.  He has brought me joy in the midst of sorrow and peace in the midst of chaos.  If you don’t believe me, call me up and I can share some stories. 

If you are discouraged, depressed, angry, or frustrated today, look to the One who can lift up your head.  Ask Him for strength.  Find someone who is close to God for help to get through.  May the Lord’s blessing be on you!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Lessons from Noah

A New Start – Day 2

I just traveled for three days in a comfortable minivan with six other people.  Imagine what it was like for Noah traveling for nearly a year with seven other people and thousands of animals.  There is much to learn from the account of Noah –

Righteousness – Noah was found to be righteous before God.

Not giving in to peer-pressure – All the rest of the inhabitants of the earth had become corrupt and violent.  Noah stayed righteous.

Obedience to God, even when it seems crazy! – God told Noah to build an ark on dry land for flooding that the earth had never known.  Noah obeyed.

Patience – It would have taken Noah many years to build the ark.  He did not give up, but persevered and finished it according to the plans God gave him.  Then he waited for the animals to come on board.  Then he was cooped up in the ark for nearly a year during the flood.  In all these things he never gave up.

God is a person, experiencing emotions. – Many think that God must have been angry and vindictive to flood the earth.  The truth is found in Genesis 6:6 (NLT) –“So the Lord was sorry He had ever made them and put them on the earth.  It broke His heart.”  It was in sorrow that God allowed the flood waters to cover the earth and wipe out the evil in it.  With a broken heart, He started over with Noah.

Do you need a new start?  Is there evil in your life that needs to be flushed out?  Follow the example of Noah and act on the radical compassion of God that would seek to make you new.  Let God wash away any evil that is causing you and Him sorrow.